Sometimes discussions need to be closed or locked from further additions. Sometimes coworkers add a question to a discussion that is untouched and unrelated, making a mess of record keeping. The ability to turn a discussion off (and back on) would...
It would be extremely helpful if we had the option to create discussion templates similar to the available email template function. Our team uses discussions to log various project statuses across multiple aspects of our business as shown in the i...
Create Marketing Hub in KB for New Articles or Most Viewed Articles
We're looking for a place to surface new articles or most viewed articles such that people who visit really consistently can quickly see the newest content or most relevant content.
Ability to filter specific contacts from several different lists to send an email to
For example if I had list A and list B and I wanted to quickly send an email to only the contacts that were on both lists, that would be extremely helpful to our team.
Option to see shareable "message link" in the URL bar as Standard. I would appreciate it, because I often create backlinks between conversations. I often use the "save to notion" extension and it uses the URL, that is shown in the Browser