Adding responses to Reviews and Q&As to to Google Business feature.
On top of responding to messages on GMB, the Google Business feature should explore adding reviews and Q&As as channels. The ability for our team to respond directly to all correspondences from Google users in one place would be invaluable.
Integration with Atriis, Aimendo (Travel Specific) Aimendo would work in integration with a tool like Atriis so that: Email comes in from client saying “ I need to travel out on the 18th March to ...
Picklist Dependencies aren’t enforced (the fields show all options rather than those controlled by Record Type or the applicable ones based on the options selected in other fields) – high priority for data quality.
Live Chat, partner/custom channels: Ability to reply to message
It would be nice to have the ability to reply to a specific message so that your recipient knows exactly which message you are referring too (like Front comments for instance). This would be helpful for non-email channels like Front Chat, social m...