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Workload report: add 'Moved to inbox' metric

No description provided
about 1 month ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Filter irrelevant tags out of Analytics' tag tables

The tag report shows either all tags on the filtered conversations, or only the tags used in the filter. Customer would like to define a list of tags that they filter out of the table

Workload report: add 'New workload' and 'Closed workload' metrics

No description provided
3 months ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Manually triggered auto replies should be accounted for in metrics

As a support manager, I want that manually triggered automated messages are taken into account in analytics, so that my teammates' work is represented accurately
3 months ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Conversion rates between stages, tags ..

Request : I would like to understand the conversion rate between conversation stages using tags. Use cases: understand the n umber of quotes received and the conversion rate of these quotes
about 1 year ago in Breakdowns and totals / Conversation Stages 0 Backlog

CES: Customer Effort Score - Analytic metric

Description of the Feature: The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing the ease with which customers can interact with a support team to resolve their issues. It is a survey post-interaction with customers asking something ...
about 1 year ago in Metrics 1 Backlog

Global Inbox Inactivity Period

The ability to set a global inactivity period for all inboxes. At present Close conversation segment if inactive for can only be set on a per inbox basis. Creates a massive manual lift if a company needs to mass update all their inboxes.
over 1 year ago in Analytics - Conversation origin and journey 0 Backlog

Split "Archived without reply" metric between inbound and outbound conversations

In order to differentiate between "conversations where customer did not reply to us " and "conversations where we did not reply to the customer"
almost 2 years ago in Metrics - misc improvements 1 Backlog

Track click links

I would like the abiliity to see an open rate of links we send in our emails to customers. We will be using a small set of links in our signature to all customers. The links will be to promote certain products in our business. I would like to know...
almost 2 years ago in Metrics / Outbound analytics 0 Backlog

New metric: first reply handle time

In Analytics, measure handle time for first reply only
about 2 years ago in Analytics - Times 0 Backlog