More text options for AI Compose (continue writing, explain, summarize, generate actions items...)
Our team loves the new compose with ai tool. It would be awesome to also have the following options within the compose with ai tool so our team can be more effective when communicating with in front. Se images from another platform that has these ...
CTRL + ENTER to send trips me up all the time, and I have to fumble to hit undo before the half baked email gets sent. I would like the ability to turn off this lone shortcut, or set a custom one that's much harder to trigger by mistake.
We are using a shared calendar and hoping to have specific event types show as unique colors: For example 1. Training = Blue 2. Demos = Green When viewing this shared calendar within Front Calendar feature or setting the event it does not appear t...
Option to open up the Front app to the calendar view by default
It would be nice if there was a setting to open up to the calendar instead of email when opening the Front app. I had my Outlook calendar set up that way so I could see immediately what I have going on for the day.
I would like to share ownership of the scheduling links with other team members for when I am out of the office or need a team member to manage to scheduling link.