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Time Off Calendar

I'd like Team member Time Off to populate on the calendar. That way, when looking at the week and scheduling meetings/assigning projects, we can see whom will not be in office
about 1 year ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Option to unsubscribe a teammate from an email conversation

Once a conversation is finished, I'd like the option to unsubscribe any teammate who was initially in the conversation. They have no need to see the rest of the emails that go back and forth and may waste time looking at responses that they are a ...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 3 Backlog
117 VOTE

Include To, CC, BCC fields as part of message template

Add recipient fields to message templates so they can be used repeatedly as well.
almost 4 years ago in Message templates 3 Backlog

[KB insights] Front Analytics Reporting for Knowledge Bases

Right now we have up to 10 different authors creating content. We would love the ability to report on details like number of articles created by author, status, creator/author and last updated across the KB. It's possible to view some of this info...
about 1 year ago in Insights / Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Add Holidays to Business Hours

It would be great if we could add National Holiday closures as part of our company business hours.
9 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Backlog

[language] AI summarize in different languages

Be able to specify the language of the Summary.
over 1 year ago in AI / AI language / AI summary 0 Backlog

Macros to provide a search function in a 3rd party system to select input

When choosing a macro to perform an application request, we want the ability to search for an object in a 3rd party system to maintain inputs against, or log inputs against. Example: a prospect, Shippeo, currently have a Gmail extension that allow...
3 months ago in Developer Platform / Macros 0 Backlog

Optionally invite teammates silently

Make sure admins can set up their instance properly, including teammate configuration, before sending out invitation notification.
12 months ago in Teammate invitation 0 Backlog

Allow drafts to be tagged

The ability to tag drafts would be useful so that the user is allowed to "sit" on an email for a while, and not forget to tag it after sending. Currently, the only way to apply a tag to a draft is to schedule it for sending later, and then cancel ...
almost 2 years ago in Shared drafts 1 Backlog

Better Attachment Management Abilities

Users are only able to drag one attachment at a time to a different email, looking for the ability to drag multiple attachments and mirror more so the functionality in Outlook
almost 2 years ago in Client Platform / Core Product Experience 2 Backlog