We speak to our members through multiple channels and currently only able to put Signatures on the bottom of emails. We sign off our messages really simple "Arran - Tech Support" however it's crucial that we do that so our members know who they're...
Add a chat widget landing page when visitor opens widget that offers different resources such as ability to start a chat conversation, view previous chat conversations, view Help Center articles, submit a CSAT rating, and more.
It would be helpful if there would be an option to configure an alert to notify a specific email or all company administrators if anyone was granted company administrator authority.
[customize] AI suggested replies to include knowledge base source link in the draft
Insert the source of the suggested replies in the draft so agents can send it as part of the reply and help the end-user self-serve. Today, the link is present in the outline but not in the reply. This makes it harder to insert after clicking sugg...
When using Front to send SMS through Dialpad, sometimes customers will provide landline phone numbers instead which result in delivery failures. There is no clear way to get alerted when sending fails.
Use Vonage like Twilio to connect into WhatsApp. I'm not sure if this would be worth exploring as we look at expansion in Europe. Client in Germany brought this up.
Dynamically Display Knowledge Base Articles based on custom fields
Once or if we support the ability gate Knowledge Base behind a login page, then the Knowledge Base could dynamically show articles based on the user's custom fields tied to their account. For example, if a school provides a Knowledge Base to paren...