[context] AI to "understand" images (summary, similar conversation, tagging, suggested replies & AI answer ...)
Request: AI features to be multi-modal, meaning they could understand images within the content they are based on. For example, SimilarConversation could recommend a conversation that includes a similar image, AI tagging could classify content bas...
[package] Automatic CSAT from conversation analysis
Context: Understanding customer satisfaction is important for our business, however, today's approaches are too imperfect: Survey : asking users directly. Response rate low (1-3%) and polarized (super happy or frustrated) Not representative of all...
Extend Shifts functionality to include Busy status instead of just out of office.
This is useful since members of my sales team want to make sure that we get our direct communications, but I'd like the new group emails to go to the next available rep. I have a team that mixes both direct and group emails.
Ability to log email to multiple Salesforce contacts at same time
The Front Salesforce plugin is great for logging emails to SFDC on an ad-hoc basis! However, if you have multiple SFDC contacts on an email, you have to log the email to each of their SFDC profiles individually. It would be an amazing time-saver i...
Instead of "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri", be able to say "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri, except on Dec 25, Jan 1, etc". This allows to take plan for holidays, teammate PTOs, company events, etc.
[accuracy] Similar conversation based on a more specific entity (inquriy, ticket, order, shipment ...)
Situation: The current “similar conversation” feature in Front is based on semantic proximity. This approach can be inefficient, especially when users need to find conversations related to specific entities like a ticket number, order number, ship...
[KB access control] Internal knowledge base access for non-Front employees
Not all employees have a full Front license. Allow these employees a way to access internal Front knowledge base, perhaps with an add-on license just for KB since they don't need nay other Front access.