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Keep calendar reminder notifications visible until manually dismissed

Make calendar reminders more obvious either visually or with sound.
almost 4 years ago in Event notifications 3 Backlog

keep actions in this inbox seperate for workspace level

Extend the current setting to "Keep actions in this inbox separate from other inboxes" to the workspace level to be able to have a live conversation between inboxes in a workspace but not affected by conversations in other workspaces - and keep re...
19 days ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Front Chat - Support sites with Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) header

I want to embed Front Chat on my site, however I have a Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) header, which requires all embedded content provides a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) header.
19 days ago in Front Chat 0

[action] Auto Correct or suggest spelling and grammar suggestions

Context: Since we deprecated the Grammarly integration, customers can utilize Front's AI compose, which has grammar and spelling suggestions. Request: Would be ideal to either have auto-correct on email, (but also comment ideally) auto-suggestions...

Front Chat localization to support different languages

Localization in the chat widget to support different languages. Includes text & buttons in the collect customer details step in the chatbot flow, the "Start new conversation" button after the chatbot auto-archives the flow, and more.
almost 4 years ago in Live Chat 14 Planned

Macros to provide a search function in a 3rd party system to select input

When choosing a macro to perform an application request, we want the ability to search for an object in a 3rd party system to maintain inputs against, or log inputs against. Example: a prospect, Shippeo, currently have a Gmail extension that allow...
5 months ago in Developer Platform / Macros 0 Backlog

Increase the limit of custom fields

Custom fields are currently limited to just 50. We would like to increase this to store additional customer data to trigger workflows and surface relevant context to our team
over 1 year ago in Contacts / Custom fields / Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Scope inbox availability of tags when importing channels

When an Outlook/gmail inbox is setup as a channel to a Front inbox, and the option to create tags based on Outlook folders/Gmail labels is enabled, the tags show up for all inboxes by default. However, for some customers, this is not the desired b...
almost 2 years ago in Object/resource management 0 Backlog

Sort conversations list by sender

Ability to sort the conversations list by sender or "from" address. This is something that is able to be done today in Outlook, and can be key to certain users' workflows.
about 2 years ago in P2 display - conversation list 2 Backlog

[action] *Automatic* AI Translation for Inbound and Outbound Messages

Situation Description: Currently, AI translation for inbound and outbound messages requires users to manually trigger the translation. This adds extra steps and actions that slow down their workflow, especially for users handling conversations in ...
6 months ago in AI / AI message translation 0 Backlog