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API - improve channel fetching (pagination and search)

Paginate GET /channels results, and enable filtering by type
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Improve the visibility of the names of Analytics views when multiple are pinned

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Dynamic Variables in Reply time goals (a.k.a. SLA) Rule

It would be great if we could filter SLAs based on Salesforce contacts or other dynamic variables. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Differentiate Trash and Spam statuses when using API (both are "deleted")

Trash emails are email that us (humans) deleted, but the Spam emails are emails that were deleted automatically in Gmail (in our case) and, when brought to Front, were automatically moved to Spam. However that spam classification does not always w...
almost 2 years ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Drafts API: Drop requirement for supplying channel_id

Right now Front requires a channel_id to be supplied on calls to Create Draft endpoints - this is not required on send reply endpoints. Could we have the API select a default channel when the channel_id param is not supplied?
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

[customize] AI suggested replies to include knowledge base source link in the draft

Insert the source of the suggested replies in the draft so agents can send it as part of the reply and help the end-user self-serve. Today, the link is present in the outline but not in the reply. This makes it harder to insert after clicking sugg...
8 months ago in AI / AI suggested replies (auto draft) 0 Backlog

More customizable desktop app

"I wish we could customize the desktop app view more than the two options currently available (default and compact)"
over 1 year ago in Desktop 0 Backlog

CSAT: instant rating capability

No description provided
over 2 years ago in CSAT - journey 0 Backlog

Link to standalone front chat window so customers don't need to embed on a website

Ability to trigger chat widget opening with a hyperlink (e.g., <a href> link) to make it easier to give customers direct access to chat.
over 2 years ago in Live Chat 2 Backlog

"Share" button that deep links to certain parts of the app (i.e. a link to a rule) from the desktop app

This would allow users to share specific rules, views, pages, inboxes, they are viewing with teammates. Currently not possible in the Desktop app.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog