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Expand pattern-matching options for Dynamic Objects

Currently, Dynamic Object patterns can match on; digits [0-9] letters [a-z] alphanumeric [a-z0-9] spaces [\s] My platform can sometimes generate URLs which contain a double-slash "//" in part of the URL; I want t...
about 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Remove internal usage from Knowledge Base analytics

It would be great to see KB anaytics without including any of our Users that are signed into Front when they view the articles. This would help us to see only the data from what our Customers are viewing/searching/clicking on
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Make certain sections, categories and articles on the Front Knowledge Base locked so only certain people can edit them

We have our HR policies on our knowledge base as well as team specific processes and information for training etc, and we have had to revoke certain knowledge base content creator's access to edit their team specific processes because we do not wa...
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Require tag rule not triggering on move

Ability to choose the trigger: archive or move, but not both as is the case today.
almost 3 years ago in Advanced rule conditions and actions 0 Backlog

Company tag visibility

Allow Company Tags to be visible on some but not all Workspaces (similar to how we can have Workspace Tags visible on some but not all Inboxes). Use case is - Company Tags should be shared by some departments across company (Sales, Operations, Sup...
almost 2 years ago in Tags 1 Backlog

Hide Button for Facebook comments

We need the possibility to hide facebook comments inside of front. Just add a "hide comment" button.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

"Reply to most recent" button when someone emails back as you're composing

Scenario: you're the middle of composing a long, formatted email when someone replies to the email thread you're replying to. You have to copy your email draft's contents, trash the draft, click "Reply all" on the most recent response, and then pa...
5 months ago in Composer 1 Backlog

Limit team signatures only to certain teammates

Option for the company administrator to assign a signature to a particular person. Currently you can only assign a signature to an inbox.
almost 2 years ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Basic support for writing code in composer

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Composer 1 Backlog

Assign new draft to creator

Our workflow is that we: Press "Compose" The default email address is an email from a shared inbox. It’s configured here: Preferences / Personal / Preferences / Default channel We add participants Then the draft is in the shared inbox and we see t...
over 1 year ago in Assigning / Compose - write efficiently with quality 1 Backlog