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Default signature per inbox

Today, signatures can be made available for specific shared channels, but this does not allow full control on defining which signatures should be applied in certain contexts. Allowing signatures to be defined per inbox allows admins to define the ...
almost 4 years ago in Signature management 0 Backlog

unsubscribe a user from a conversation rule action

Directly unsubscribe a user from a conversation via rules (for example unsubscribe the teammate that assign the conversation to another teammate) at this time.
3 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Ability to create custom fields via the API

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Restrict conversation actions for a specific inbox i.e. View-only inbox access

Today, teammates can be given different sets of conversation permissions (e.g. ability to send a reply) between different Workspaces. However, creating a dedicated Workspace just for this purpose can be over-the-top and have undesired side effects...
almost 4 years ago in Conversation/inbox permissions 1 Backlog

Ability to Print Discussions (or export/download them)

Suggestion to be able to download or print discussions, both individually and mass export
about 3 years ago in Desktop 1 Backlog

Option to Send Knowledge Base Articles in Discussions

Having the articles from the KB be available to be sent via email (the same as email templates) is something that I think is really great. We have a company agreement that we don't actually send emails internally, we use Discussions within Front f...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Capability to zoom on a message by percentage (i.e. +110%, +120%)

For people who don't have a perfect view, it's very convenient to be able to zoom like on Outlook -> with Mouse Scroll + or Mouse Scroll -
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Filter message templates

Instead of seeing only 4 recent templates, and then ALL templates and having to scroll through everyone's, can we either increase the RECENT section or be able to filter by our own personal templates?
over 1 year ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Allow easy swapping between primary and redirect domains in KB domain settings

Right now it's not currently possible to easily change a domain from primary to redirect in the KB Domains settings tab. You have to delete domains and then add them back in a specific order to ensure they are either redirect or primary which is a...
6 months ago in Knowledge Base 0

[activation] Retroactive AI Tagging

Apply sentiment tags retroactively to previous conversations once properly trained.
6 months ago in AI / AI tagging 0 Backlog