Extend Shifts functionality to include Busy status instead of just out of office.
This is useful since members of my sales team want to make sure that we get our direct communications, but I'd like the new group emails to go to the next available rep. I have a team that mixes both direct and group emails.
Better email logging: e.g. being able to search for the company and deal that a contact might be associated with and then log the email to those specific records. Allow admins to customize display fields for all teammates Associate newly created d...
When chatting with a customer, have the ability to see their current geographic location. This is important for businesses who have to comply with export restrictions.
Rename Forward to "Forward with subscribers" and Resend to "Resend with subscribers"
Hello! I think it would be a great idea if the highlighted "Forward" were renamed to "Forward with subscribers" and "Resend" to "Resend with subscribers." In situations when folks are trying to forward a message to others (and not reveal that acti...
Only show teammates with access to the Workspace as assignment, mention and participant options
Minimize room for error and noise when assigning or mentioning someone. Only teammates with access to the conversation's Workspace should be possible to select.