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[App Objects] Filter Rule Trigger by App Object Type

When creating a Rule with a App object is added trigger, it's tricky to specify which app object we want to trigger the rule for. Similar to the additional options provided in rule triggers like Comment Added or Custom field updated, it would be h...
1 day ago in Dynamic objects / Rule trigger / Workflows 0

Access "Teammate activity export" via API

I regularly need to fetch Teammate Activity Export data - it would be useful to enable access via the API
2 days ago in Analytics API - exports / Core API 0
409 VOTE

Comments will not cancel a snooze event

A lot of teams have a workflow where they snooze a conversation and continue to comment on it. It can be frustrating for them to always have to click Snooze again when it was internal comments that broke the snooze rather than a message from the c...
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 3 Backlog
413 VOTE

Mark an inbound or outbound message as high or low importance

Inbound and outbound messages in Outlook can be set to have high or low importance: Requesting...
about 2 years ago in Email channels 16 Backlog

[Rule Action] Pick Recipients in "Create Draft" action

Currently, the "Create Draft" rule action will start a reply to the sender. It would be helpful to have the option to pick between a reply or reply all option when writing rules using this action.
5 days ago in Rule actions 0

Search Function in Signatures

Please can the search algorithm in Signatures be less 'fuzzy' and actually return the results based on the criteria requested? We have a lot of signatures and it can be painful to scroll down a long list because the search function doesn't work as...
about 1 month ago in Signature management 2 Backlog
587 VOTE

Ability to @mention a team

This will allow users to @ mention an entire group/team in a comment to notify all individuals at once.
about 4 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 20 Backlog
285 VOTE

@mention someone in an email when composing

When I @mention someone in an email, I would like the user's contact to be automatically added as a recipient or at least given the option to tag them in the body to make specific call outs.
over 2 years ago in Composer 15 Backlog
210 VOTE

Ability to copy rules

Provide the ability to copy rules instead of having to start custom rules from scratch every time and provide the ability to copy rules to other workspaces.
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 5 Backlog
132 VOTE

Support sending and receiving S/MIME encrypted emails

Summary We have the need to be able to send and receive client documents and need encryption on those emails More background from customer We work alot with the government, and other proprietary companies who will always send their emails encrypte...
over 1 year ago in Email channels 5 Backlog