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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 26, 2022

@mention someone in an email when composing

When I @mention someone in an email, I would like the user's contact to be automatically added as a recipient or at least given the option to tag them in the body to make specific call outs.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2024

    Please add this ability to @ someone in an email.!!!!!

  • Guest
    Mar 25, 2024

    quite important to have this to avoid switch back to outlook..

  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2024

    This is one of the biggest product gaps in Front, and such an obvious feature. When you are on an email thread with 10+ recipients, this feature is huge. I have to write these emails instead in either Gmail or Outlook since Front does not support this. It is a real deterrent in getting my team to adopt this software.

  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2024

    PLEASE make this a priority, we need this feature!!

  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2024

    Also adding to this. We'd also be ok with it just tying into existing contacts within Front, and not necessarily the contacts in Google Workspace or AD.

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2024

    This would be great. The comment feature is great but tagging within the email also shows the receiver that you are bringing in others, which often is a good idea.

  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2023

    To call attention to a specific person who needs to act upon receiving an email, a feature similar to Outlook's "@soandso" would be a huge benefit.

  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2023

    We just did an internal survey of Front Users six months into use, every single respondent mentioned the ability to @mention users from our Active Directory as the thing they would like to see the most!

  • Guest
    Jul 14, 2023

    Hi team, I'm also looking actively to get this supported... including many of my team members.

  • Guest
    May 18, 2023

    This would be very helpful and would reduce the friction converting a team from tools like Outlook and Gmail where they've grown used to @ mentioning people in the body of the email as a way to draw attention to a specific section of the email that requires their action or attention. @ mentions on comments are okay for internal purposes, but sometimes you really need it in the body of the email instead.