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587 VOTE
Status Backlog
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 21, 2021

Ability to @mention a team

This will allow users to @ mention an entire group/team in a comment to notify all individuals at once.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 7, 2025

    Please add this!

  • Guest
    Jan 9, 2025

    We work shifts here and long story short to @mention the TEAM ensuring whoever is on shift get's it is something folks are ALWAYS ASKING me for here! This would be very appreciated !!!!!!

  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2024

    i want this so bad. please

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2024

    PLEASE! this has been a huge pain point when migrating over from outlook, we work with multiple internal members and or individuals within a customer base in a thread and having the ability to @ the individual in an email helps keep all members updated

  • Guest
    Oct 8, 2024


  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2024

    We have used tags to @mention a group
    (not an admin, unsure how it was done)
    but it's a successful workaround to @mention more than one person.

  • Guest
    Mar 25, 2024

    quite important to have this to avoid switch back to outlook..

  • Guest
    Nov 7, 2023

    Depending on which route you choose to go with this, may I suggest that PRD-I-4154 (Ability to @mention a team inbox) is separated back to its own Idea? I think @mentioning a team / group will quite possibly require a different solution to @mentioning an inbox...?

  • Guest
    Nov 7, 2023

    Hi Baptiste,

    First of all, I agree with both points made in one of the previous replies about rules being a workaround that is not sustainable, and that moving a conversation is also not a viable option due to accountability.

    I have to point out that I don't have a suggestion for an actual solution here, but I would like to explain what I would like to achieve, and then leave it up to Front to come up with something clever, as I believe there is a key element that has not been mentioned yet. :)

    One of Fronts' strengths is how incoming conversations to a team inbox are handled; you get accountability (assign) and no more people than necessary are involved (when a conversation is assigned, it disappears from the "open" list in the inbox).

    I would like to see the same mechanism for situations where I need to loop in a group of teammates in a conversation. I might have a conversation assigned to me, and I need input from the accounting team, but it makes no difference to me who on that team gives me the answer. So when I @mention the team (or the group or the inbox or whatever the solution may be), I need a way for all members of that team / that group of people to have access to answer my question, but also for the conversation not to be left in everyones inboxes after the question has been answered.

    To summarise, I think it's key to maintain the concept of accountability and "as few people as possible involved" in dealing with this.

  • Guest
    Nov 3, 2023

    Would really like to see this as a general tag, we understand this will tag everyone and clutter their inboxes. But we still want it!! Pretty please!

  • Admin
    Baptiste Couly
    Nov 3, 2023

    Thanks everyone for the feedback on this — we understand the frustration! There are some risks that make this more complex to build than it seems, and we wanted to share some context on why we haven't moved forward on this. When you mention large groups of teammates, you add potentially dozens of participants to your conversations. This clutters teammate inboxes making it harder to prioritize work. It also means teammates added to a teammate group after the @mention happened would not have access to the conversation. In many ways it recreates the distribution list effect that teams often come to Front to solve. That said, we also understand the use case where you are looking to get input from a small group. For this, here are two workarounds we suggest:

    • Setting up a notify rule for a teammate group or certain teammates. You can trigger this with a comment like #sales to loop in members of your sales team for input.

    • Moving the conversation to another inbox managed by the people you're looking to mention. They can take the next steps on the conversation, and you'll stay in the loop as a participant.

    We'll continue to explore this, and please keep the feedback coming on your use cases.

    Product Lead @ Front

    2 replies
  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2023

    This would be a great addition. While growing our company we need this function more and more to avoid tagging multiple users every single time

  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023

    This seems like inboxing 101. we are being forced to add hundreds of contacts to discussions a day. 30+ names 10x day. lets go guys time to add this.

  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023

    How is the most upvoted product request almost 3 years old? The customers know what they want on this one...

  • Guest
    Oct 4, 2023

    This would be about the first option Front should have since the very beginning. Not having it is like developing and selling a navigation system without the option to fill in a destination. PRIO1.

  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2023


  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2023

    Without making a rule (define teams in settings) and also to be applied (to field) when starting a new discussion.

  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2023

    This can be handled easily and effectively through rules. IE. Commenting #Sales -> Triggers rule to loop in the sales team.


@mentioning teammate groups

Quickly loop in a list of teammates to a conversation, by @mentioning a teammate Group. Leave a comment to tell us how you imagine using this feature: creating an action item for another team; sending out an FYI; asking another team for input
almost 4 years ago in Teammate Groups 4 Backlog