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Making the teammates visible in the view' settings

When you create a view, you can add it to teammates' sidebars right away. But once you add people from the view settings and then save, when you come back to the view, you don't see which teammate was added so you don't know who has access and who...
over 1 year ago in Views 0 Backlog

Sync Leads from Salesforce to Contacts

Leads are objects in Salesforce that are similar to Contacts - there are fields like phone number. In Salesforce, you can convert a Lead to a Contact or Account, but Front only syncs Contacts and Accounts from SFDC at the moment
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Add Read Receipts to Emails

Read receipts are required for some parts of our projects. The "Seen" function that does not list who exactly it was seen by, does not help us. It would be a great function if we could see exactly who read the email, and what date and time. Or eve...
almost 2 years ago in Other (CPX) 0 Backlog

Notify admins when a new company admin is added

It would be helpful if there would be an option to configure an alert to notify a specific email or all company administrators if anyone was granted company administrator authority.
11 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Show message sent failures in Dialpad channel

When using Front to send SMS through Dialpad, sometimes customers will provide landline phone numbers instead which result in delivery failures. There is no clear way to get alerted when sending fails.
11 months ago in Existing integrations / SMS 0 Backlog

Ability to add multiple attachments to a WhatsApp conversation

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Alert agent when chat can no longer be replied to

Front locks down chats to the customer after 6 hours, but not to the agent. The agent can still send messages to the customer and the customer cannot reply. This should not be allowed or alert the agent that the customer cannot reply to the messag...
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Allow user to disable email notifications for failed Hubspot / Salesforce contact sync

While there has been a sync error, for us it's not the end of the world. Therefore if there are some sync errors we really don't need the daily notification email warning us.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Reserve proposed meeting times in calendar

When using meeting times proposals (insert meeting times) it would be great if Front would temporarily and automatically "reserve" the proposed times in my calendar until the message recipient confirms a time. I'd like to avoid that somebody else ...
almost 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

[channel] Auto summarize for SMS, Chat

Being able to auto-summarize conversation thread for other channels than email
6 months ago in AI / AI summary 0 Backlog