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Conversation custom fields in Views

Add conversation custom fields as a filter in saved views. Today we have only 2 view filters (assignee and tags).
about 1 year ago in Custom fields / Views 0 Backlog

Create an ALL view, which shows you conversations that are in certain shared inboxes + conversations in your private inbox

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Views 0 Backlog

Front Views 'Select all inboxes' option

Looking for the ability to select all inboxes when creating a view so that the view captures a single tag across all current inboxes and any future inboxes that I have in the future. Currently, I would have to scroll through and manually select al...
almost 2 years ago in Views 0 Backlog

Increase the number of pinned views in the sidebar

Increase the amount of views pinned to the sidebar to be more than 50 this is really helpful to maintain the organization of the workflow =
5 months ago in Views 0 Backlog

Making the teammates visible in the view' settings

When you create a view, you can add it to teammates' sidebars right away. But once you add people from the view settings and then save, when you come back to the view, you don't see which teammate was added so you don't know who has access and who...
over 1 year ago in Views 0 Backlog

Option to create "personal" views, only regarding conversations in "Inbox"

Hi,I would welcome a feature in which I could create views that only show conversations in my "Inbox" (messages "Assigned to me", "Shared with me", "Discussions" and personal mail). Thanks
over 1 year ago in Views 0 Backlog