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Granular inbox and channel permissions

Have the ability grant shared channel group level permission but not Inbox level permission. This is to avoid giving permissions to send messages from a shared inbox but let a user re-authenticate a channel.

[scale] AI tagging for individual inboxes

No description provided
8 months ago in AI / AI tagging 0 Backlog

Tags and message templates - bulk import via CSV

Import tags and message templates via CSV
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Tags 1 Backlog

Add "Time of the day is" as Rule Trigger

The existing time criteria all exist as conditions to rules rather than triggers. For an overnight coverage use case it would be extremely helpful to have a time-based trigger be capable of taking action on a conversation. "When the clock strikes ...
about 1 year ago in Time-based options 3 Backlog

keep actions in this inbox seperate for workspace level

Extend the current setting to "Keep actions in this inbox separate from other inboxes" to the workspace level to be able to have a live conversation between inboxes in a workspace but not affected by conversations in other workspaces - and keep re...
18 days ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Front Chat - Support sites with Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) header

I want to embed Front Chat on my site, however I have a Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) header, which requires all embedded content provides a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP) header.
18 days ago in Front Chat 0

Delete/trash conversation keyboard shortcut

Allow the keyboard shortcut for deleting or trashing a conversation to be customized, instead of just the "Delete" key on the full keyboard.
about 2 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

[granularity] AI summary at the contact and account levels

See a summary of conversations with a specific contact See a summary of conversations with a specific customer/account review all email correspondence with the client account list all references to the word 'transfer pricing' with date, subject he...
7 months ago in AI / AI insights / AI summary 0 Backlog

Ability to hide all comments from a conversation

Ability to toggle a view so that you can only see the email messages and not the internal comments.
about 2 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Display email address for failed sent message

When a message sent to a group fails, display which recipients the delivery failed for. Currently this is not displayed in the UI
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 3 Backlog