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Conversion rates between stages, tags ..

Request : I would like to understand the conversion rate between conversation stages using tags. Use cases: understand the n umber of quotes received and the conversion rate of these quotes
about 1 year ago in Breakdowns and totals / Conversation Stages 0 Backlog

Ability to emoji react to emails

It would be cool if we could react to emails with emojis such as how we can react to comments.
over 1 year ago in Collaborate - work together seamlessly / P3 display 0 Backlog

Export teammates to CSV

Provide an overview off all teammates when doing housekeeping and auditing. This could be a global export and/or per-Workspace.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Recently used tag dropdown configurable by user

for example: increased from 5 to 10, or toggle off altogether
almost 2 years ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email.

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email. It will help the support with a more precise answer.
5 months ago in Auto-reply / Email channels 0 Backlog

M365 sensitivity labelling support (Purview)

M365 (Exchange Online) allows users to label emails with sensitivity labels that invoke certain protections, usually watermaking and/or encryption. When using the Outlook client, I get a default label for everyday email, and I can change this to a...
9 months ago in Compliance & security / Security 0 Backlog

Support alt-text in KB articles (accessibility)

Need alt-text for accessibility and in case in-line images do not display.
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 1 Backlog

Manage an individual teammate's Group membership

An admin can view which teammate Groups a given teammate belongs to, but it can only be edited from the teammate Groups. This means that I want to add a user to multiple teammate Groups I must navigate to each one.
over 2 years ago in Teammate Groups 0 Backlog

Integrate chatbot with API

Integrate chatbot with API so we can automate lookups to external databases. Ex) Automate lookups like appointment time, enter a zip code to find store locations, etc.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Adding GIFs to Knowledge Base Articles

We would love to have the option to add GIFs to our Knowledge Base articles. An option similar to the already existing one in the Discussions chat field would be an amazing addition.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog