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Play and send audio messages directly within the chat interface

When our customers send audio messages, they are received as downloadable files, rather than allowing us the option to play them directly within the chat interface, as is standard in WhatsApp. Also, the file opens in a new tab rather than staying ...
11 months ago in Live Chat / WhatsApp 1 Backlog

[context] AI summarize available in discussions

This would be incredibly beneficial to summarize the content of a discussion. I work within a multi-lingual team so it would also be great to summarize and translate a conversation as the current "Summarize with AI" does with email threads
almost 2 years ago in AI / AI summary 0 Backlog

Restrict access to Contact Manager

Limit who can add, edit and delete contacts and accounts. This could also include limitations on freely browsing through contact data in the contact manager, although, we cannot restrict the ability to view contact data entirely.
almost 4 years ago in Permissions 0 Backlog

[context] Use an unpublished KB for suggested replies

It is not possible to publish SOPs an external website for confidentiality reasons so it would be nice to have the ability to utilized suggested replies from an internal, unpublished knowledge base
7 months ago in AI suggested replies (auto draft) 2 Will not do

Ability to set a Primary Email & Phone for our Front Contacts

This would help our team set up our customers with their preferred email & phone number for certain communication. This would still allow us to still have additional emails and phone numbers available for our team to better help our customers....
11 months ago in Contacts 1 Backlog

Trigger rules when a conversation is split

When moving a message to a new conversation, there is no base rule trigger to automate actions on the new conversation. This idea suggests adding a new item to rule triggers for when a conversation is created from a split.
over 3 years ago in Rule trigger 1 Backlog

Search in everywhere (spam, trash, inboxes)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Search location 0 Backlog

Dynamic Front Chat welcome messages

Ability to configure different Welcome Messages for Front Chat across your website depending on URL
over 2 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

API: Support multiple recipients on custom channels

I'm building an integration with an external SMS provider, which supports group conversations. Right now, Front's Receive custom messages and Sync inbound message API endpoints do not allow me to receive a message from a sender which was addressed...
11 months ago in Channel API / Core API 0 Backlog

Restrict individual channels

Ability to restrict end-users from adding individual channels
11 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog