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Capability to zoom on a message by percentage (i.e. +110%, +120%)

For people who don't have a perfect view, it's very convenient to be able to zoom like on Outlook -> with Mouse Scroll + or Mouse Scroll -
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Option to Send Knowledge Base Articles in Discussions

Having the articles from the KB be available to be sent via email (the same as email templates) is something that I think is really great. We have a company agreement that we don't actually send emails internally, we use Discussions within Front f...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Filter message templates

Instead of seeing only 4 recent templates, and then ALL templates and having to scroll through everyone's, can we either increase the RECENT section or be able to filter by our own personal templates?
over 1 year ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Google Drive — support picking files from shared team drive

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

M365 sensitivity labelling support (Purview)

M365 (Exchange Online) allows users to label emails with sensitivity labels that invoke certain protections, usually watermaking and/or encryption. When using the Outlook client, I get a default label for everyday email, and I can change this to a...
10 months ago in Compliance & security / Security 0 Backlog

Sync calendar events past the next 12 months

Expands the range for syncing calendar to Front past 1 year
about 2 years ago in Calendar View / Managing/Updating Events 0 Backlog

Sharepoint integration

More context here:
about 2 years ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

Allow multiple periods of business hours in a single day

It would be great to be able to split business hours between morning and afternoon times to ensure SLAs and response times don't get impacted by team unavailability during lunch
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Front Views 'Select all inboxes' option

Looking for the ability to select all inboxes when creating a view so that the view captures a single tag across all current inboxes and any future inboxes that I have in the future. Currently, I would have to scroll through and manually select al...
almost 2 years ago in Views 0 Backlog

Trigger rules when a conversation is split

When moving a message to a new conversation, there is no base rule trigger to automate actions on the new conversation. This idea suggests adding a new item to rule triggers for when a conversation is created from a split.
over 3 years ago in Rule trigger 1 Backlog