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Workload report: add 'Moved to inbox' metric

No description provided
2 months ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Be able to edit custom field in mobile app

Right now we are unbale to update custom fields in the mobile app. It would be great to be able to do this, especially for teams that work around the clock and on the go.
4 months ago in Core Product Experience / Custom fields 0 Backlog

Allow my customers to add others to the meeting invite when they are booking a meeting

Allow my customers to add others to the meeting invite when they are booking a meeting and not have to wait until the meeting is booked and then adding them after. I want to do though is have the customer input those emails as they fill out the li...
about 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

Enable Load Balancing for Rule Set

Load Balancing simply isn't offered in rule sets yet. This would be a plus.
over 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Ability to chat with other teammates within Front

Similar to Google Chat which can be used within Gmail, have the ability to chat real-time with other teammates in Front (not including discussions)
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

CSAT: hide comment

Hide comments from teammates (while still recording results).
about 3 years ago in CSAT - journey 1 Backlog

Support custom fields for Zoho

Custom fields that are created for some module (e.g. contacts, leads) are not visible in Front either for edit or update. It would be great to be able to show these fields based on the plugin settings in Front.

Ability to initiate 1:1 WhatsApp conversation with more than one person at a time

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Update the content of message when forwarding, replying or sending to slack with rules

Would be useful to have just the important info that the next team needs based on the information the previous team has compiled.
about 1 year ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

View incomplete chatbot conversations

Currently a conversation is not created within Front unless a chat visitor has completed the chatbot flow. It would be helpful to have a separate inbox that stores partially completed chatbot conversations - this way the team could still jump in t...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Planned