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Ability to change font when using mobile app.

Everyone using this app would benefit from the ability to change fonts when working on mobile. It goes without saying the value this would add as many prefer to maintain their own styles without deviating should they be working away from the offic...
over 1 year ago in Mobile 1 Backlog

Create invite based on conversation recipients/participants

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency / Create New Event 0 Backlog

Views with more filter criteria

For example:- unassigned- archived- custom conversation fields
over 1 year ago in Navigate - find your work 1 Backlog

Ability to have multiple billing contacts / methods for one Front instance

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Backoffice / Billing 1 Backlog

[API] AI Summary of a conversation is available via the API

Ability to pull AI Summaries of a conversation via the API. Useful to leverage AI summarize feature
11 months ago in AI / AI summary / Core API 1 Backlog

Application Webhooks: Disable webhook subscription as a developer

I offer a partner integration containing an Application Webhook. My customers can start with a trial period, during which I will ingest data from a Front Application Webhook. If my customer's trial period ends and they do not convert, I want to st...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform / Partner Integrations 0 Backlog

Enable AI for specific teammates / inboxes

Ability to allow select users / inboxes, etc. to use AI features.
over 1 year ago in AI / AI settings 0 Backlog

Dynamic image in signatures

Allow admins to design shared signatures where the image is individualised to the teammate. The image may be personal like a headshot or signature, or could be dependent on the team they belong to. This could be achieved through a new "image type"...
over 1 year ago in Custom fields / Signatures 1 Backlog

Ability to tag a discussion when composing it

Similar to how users can tag an email while composing a new one, users should have the ability to tag a discussion while composing one, especially since you can do it after the fact anyway.
almost 2 years ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Suggest users who I have interacted with the most in the participant menu

Suggestion for the participant list to show teammates that the user has interacted with the most (i.e. have added as a participant in other conversations), instead of what today's list is actually based which is who they have recently assigned oth...
almost 2 years ago in Access - what's accessible or visible to whom in P3 0 Backlog