Currently a date value that is imported assumes a time value (midnight?) and then converts that from my local time to UTC, so what is displayed in the field instead of say Jan 1/25 is Dec. 31/24 4PM. The ask is to add a date-only format option to ...
[context] use private / internal knowledge source for AI answers
Problem: issue is the need to make all content public, for both knowledge centre and 3rd party sources. For some of the use cases were want to use, privacy issues prevents us from using it. The inability to nominate multiple sources would be anoth...
Knowledge Base usability & formatting improvements
When voting, please specify which one(s) of the below is the most important for you. Thanks Drag & drop article reordering Ability to add more than one image per line in knowledge base for better readability When editing the table, you always ...
Ability to add an assignee/owner for knowledge base articles
Have articles assigned to a teammate or teammate group so that the responsibility of keeping the article up to date is clear (like assigning, but for articles)
It would be helpful to have Snoozed count showing on status bar. Currently the only items showing are counts for Open emails. I have a tag for Snooze and in the status bar it would be great to see the count for what is snoozed. Yes you can hit the...