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[context] AI to "understand" images (summary, similar conversation, tagging, suggested replies & AI answer ...)

Request: AI features to be multi-modal, meaning they could understand images within the content they are based on. For example, SimilarConversation could recommend a conversation that includes a similar image, AI tagging could classify content bas...

Restricting Context Links by Workspace

Context links today apply across every workspace/ department. Other depts e-mails are sorted differently and read in a different way and the link being applied universally is not ideal. Would like the ability to modify context links to have a more...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Links 0 Backlog

Ability to hide fields when creating or updating a module in Zoho

In the Zoho plugin, you can edit what fields are visible when viewing modules like a contact or lead. However, there is no way to hide certain fields from appearing the create or edit UIs. This would be useful since many of those fields are option...

Custom Javascript / CSS Styling for knowledge base

Ability to customize the look and feel of their Front KB further, and also enhance search experience using custom javascript.
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Merge chat conversations

Can Front support merging chat conversations? It is only possible, right now, to merge emails and tweets.
about 1 year ago in Front Chat / Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Remain on the last selected email when going back to the inbox

If I click on the Send folder then go back to the Inbox, the inbox should not automatically select the newest email, it should remain on the last email that was selected in the Inbox
12 months ago in P2 display - conversation list 1 Backlog

Ability to merge discussions

Suggestion to be able to merge discussions, like how you can merge emails in Front today
almost 2 years ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Configure redirection link on company logo for knowledge base

Ability to customize the link of the company logo to redirect to another link i.e. company website instead of the knowledge base home page.
11 months ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Customized send later time selection

Need the ability to create customized send later time options, beyond the presets available in Setting > Personal > Preferences > Send Later.
12 months ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 4 Backlog

Ability to collaborate on and review Knowledge base articles with teammates

Leverage comments and tag teammates to be able to collaborate on knowledge base drafts
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog