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Ability to make an email visible in multiple inboxes

Let's say a question is relevant to several teams. Instead of individually tagging the team members in the email or forwarding the email, is there a way to make the email visible in multiple inboxes simultaneously? It would be great if we could ha...
over 1 year ago in Navigate - find your work 0 Backlog

Limit User Ability to Delete Shared Contacts/Lists

There is risk allowing all users to delete/edit lists that they have access to but did not create. We believe having the ability to limit users ability to change/delete lists they did not create would mitigate the risk to a larger user group where...
over 1 year ago in Contacts Manager 0 Backlog

Improve spam behavior for active conversations

Currently, ongoing conversations (with multiple messages) will be moved to Spam upon receiving one reply that's marked as spam. Open conversations with teammate engagement should not be moved to Spam when one reply is received as spam.
over 1 year ago in Email channels 0 Backlog

ShareFile Plug-in

It would be useful to have a native ShareFile plug-in to make it easy to securely share and request files with clients directly from Front without having to navigate away to another application window. As a financial services and benefit administr...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform / New integration requests 0 Backlog

Sequence Email Address View extended

Currently, I cannot see more than about 19 characters of the To: emails when creating a Sequence. My organization has many emails that start the same which makes it difficult to select the correct To email for Sequences.
over 1 year ago in Outbound/Sequences 0 Backlog

See chat guest's site navigation history

We used a different chat app before and used to be able to see the navigation history of the guest we were chatting with, it was really helpful to understand what the guest was looking at at and what other pages he had visited before
over 1 year ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

'Scroll to top' button for Knowledge base

For Knowledge Base it would be great to have a 'top of the page" button in the articles (they can be pretty long) the KB homepages (can contain a lot of articles and categories) It would be great to have it at the bottom, or even better on the rig...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Show tags in teammate sidebars after creation of the tag

At the moment you can't modify, neither see, the list of teammates who have a tag in their sidebars after the creation. I ask to keep this option when the tag is already made
over 1 year ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Article organization: Pin article above subsections for knowledge base

Currently, if we have a section with subsections (folders) and articles in our knowledge base, the automatic ordering is showing subsections above and then the articles below. The articles are ordered in a chronological way, the newly edited ones ...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Nest inboxes similar to Tags

Nest inboxes similar to Tags gives the end user the ability to group together their shared inboxes, reduce clutter and increase efficiency with grouping. In our example we have many shared inboxes for one department and would benefit from reducing...
over 1 year ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog