[KB insights] Front Analytics Reporting for Knowledge Bases
Right now we have up to 10 different authors creating content. We would love the ability to report on details like number of articles created by author, status, creator/author and last updated across the KB. It's possible to view some of this info...
Currently, Microsoft 365 group calendars (i.e. those connected to Teams), don't show up in Front. I'd like to be able to see these calendars in Front, otherwise our users have to go back to Outlook to view those calendars.
Use case 1 (general): To improve security, an admin can force users to set up 2FA the next time they log in, and block them from accessing Front until it has been completed. The admin would need to set up their own 2FA first as a prerequisite. Use...
Ability to sort the conversations list by sender or "from" address. This is something that is able to be done today in Outlook, and can be key to certain users' workflows.
Option to have view number counter display all conversations (instead of just open conversations)
It would be amazing if there were a way to (when we're setting up a new Public Tag/Custom View/View) to have the number counter show all conversations with that tag, not just open ones. We are starting to heavily use public tags/custom views a way...