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Match Contact using reply-to in email

This would be handy for web form submissions. Since the email has to be from the contact for the message to be attached to the contact record (no way to set the contact once the message is received), we make our form submissions set the from addre...
over 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Allow bulk updates to append messages to signatures

We would like to be able to add a company wide message to each teammate signature without having to edit each one individually. This would be useful for office closings or other announcements that should go out with each email.
12 months ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Allow Calendar Time to be entered in 24hr Time Format WITHOUT Colon

Current Calendar Time Can NOT be entered in 24hr Time Format! Many organizations operate on 24hr (Military) time. The current time entry data format requires a ':' to be added between the first two (2) and second two (2) digits of times entered. T...
12 months ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Adding responses to Reviews and Q&As to to Google Business feature.

On top of responding to messages on GMB, the Google Business feature should explore adding reviews and Q&As as channels. The ability for our team to respond directly to all correspondences from Google users in one place would be invaluable.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

Hide custom apps from users

When a custom app is being developed and tested, I want to hide it from normal users (visible to admins only).
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Internal comments for calendar events / meeting notes

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Cal Collaboration 0 Backlog

Slack plugin to support private workspaces

Add a Front widget to private Slack channels to allow Front to see content and users in private channels
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Change order of team workspaces

Ability for users to reorder Team workspaces in their sidebar
almost 4 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 1 Backlog

Allow user to customize what messages are logged to Salesforce

I'd like to curate what emails are logged to salesforce. For example, we don't want to log internal only messages or calendar updates.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

Return search results where matches are all in the same message (and not split in the conversation)

Description: When searching for multiple keywords, Front returns conversation where the keywords can be in different messages in a conversation. Request: Have an option to return results where all the keywords are in the same message, but not nece...
almost 3 years ago in Matching 1 Backlog