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Showing 13

Front Chat localization to support different languages

Localization in the chat widget to support different languages. Includes text & buttons in the collect customer details step in the chatbot flow, the "Start new conversation" button after the chatbot auto-archives the flow, and more.
almost 4 years ago in Live Chat 13 Planned

Allow companies to set & enforce email signatures company wide and restrict the editing of email signatures.

Companies want to standardize their email signatures from a branding perspective. We want all users to have the same font and color scheme and to use only the company approved phone numbers [by team] and to have the proper email and website links.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Signature management 1 Planned

Audit trail for admin activity

Provide visibility on actions taken by admins, to help teams work cohesively together. View historical activity when resources have been created, edited or deleted Rules Contacts Channels Inboxes Roles Teammates Teammate Groups Company settings Fe...
almost 4 years ago in Admin audit trail 2 Planned

Allow Workspace admins to create and manage teammate Groups

Allow users other than company admins to create, edit and delete teammate Groups, including the ability to add teammates to Groups. This could be a permission granted to users, or a company-wide setting that allows Workspace to manage teammate Gro...
over 2 years ago in Teammate Groups 2 Planned

Allow OAuth clients to request additional permission scopes

When external applications request Front API access through OAuth2, they are limited to the "shared resources" scope, which grants access to API resources belonging to shared workspaces. This idea suggests expanding the available scopes that a use...
almost 4 years ago in Core API 3 Planned

Ending Chat - allow agents to end chat & see when a customer abandons chat

We'll allow agents to end chats for end customers and we'll also notify agents when the visitor abandons the chat conversation.
5 months ago in Chatbots / Live Chat 0 Planned

Manually Close / End a Front Chat conversation

As an operator / agent, I'd like to be able to "end" a chat with a customer. They can still start a new one.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Planned

View incomplete chatbot conversations

Currently a conversation is not created within Front unless a chat visitor has completed the chatbot flow. It would be helpful to have a separate inbox that stores partially completed chatbot conversations - this way the team could still jump in t...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Planned

Ability to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow

It would be helpful to be able to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow messages like "Hi {visitor.first_name}" in order to personalize the chatbot flow more for chat visitors.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 2 Planned

Option to display Knowledge Base widget (without live chat) during offline hours

Option to only show help centre from chat widget. Especially useful when chat is 'offline'. When offline hours are enabled, the widget is completely hidden from the site. This also hides the knowledge base, which seems like a strange thing to do. ...
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base / Live Chat 0 Planned