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Display more "oldest conversations" in the Live Dashboard

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about 23 hours ago in Live dashboard 0 Backlog

Create Analytics exports by API filtered on teammate groups

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Notifications on app being disabled

As a partner developer, I need to know when a user disables my app in the Front UI. It would be helpful to receive a webhook notification on these events so I can handle appropriate actions on the disable event within my backend. Looking for somet...

Filter irrelevant tags out of Analytics' tag tables

The tag report shows either all tags on the filtered conversations, or only the tags used in the filter. Customer would like to define a list of tags that they filter out of the table

Live Dashboard - Teammate Filter

As a manager, I want to be able to filter the Live Dashboard by Teammate to see how many conversations are Open and Waiting. Right now, I can only see #Open in the Assigned teammates table, but I'm unable to determine whether or not that includes ...
12 days ago in Live dashboard 0

Enable Search in long messages opened through the "view entire message" pop up

When I receive a very long email (more than 100k characters), I cannot search in the whole email because P3 only shows 100k characters. While I can click on the "view entire message" to open the whole email in a pop up, Search is not enabled on th...
15 days ago in Search 0

Application Webhook: Send notification on Webhook Invalidated

In a case where my Application Webhook fails to respond successfully, it will be disabled automatically (see ) It would be beneficial for me as a developer to receive a notification when t...
16 days ago in Partner Integrations 0

Application Webhook: Monitor request logs

As a developer building a private Application Webhook for my team, it would be helpful to see a log of payloads Front sent to my webhook via a Front dashboard, and the responses returned by my app. Even just exposing these for the past hour or so ...
16 days ago in Links 0

Undo for teammates

When I send an email, I have the option to "undo send" for a short time after sending. I'd like to be able to do this for emails my teammates send as well. For example, if I see that my teammate just sent an email with a typo, I'd like to be able ...
19 days ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 1 Backlog

Multi-select dropdown field type for teammate answers in macros

Allow multi-select dropdown prompt type as a teammate answer option in macros, so that teammate can select multiple values in the dropdown.
21 days ago in Macros 0 Backlog