Allow user to disable email notifications for failed Hubspot / Salesforce contact sync
While there has been a sync error, for us it's not the end of the world. Therefore if there are some sync errors we really don't need the daily notification email warning us.
Description: Sometime I forget or I don't see that my search location is either on "All inbox" or "Inbox". This results in not finding the result I seek or having to many results
I wanted to be able to create clickable links in my signature. Was able to create a telephone link <a href="tel:+1xxxxxxxxxx" rel="noopener noreferrer">Call</a>, but not a link for sms <a href="sms:+1xxxxxxxxxx" rel="noopener norefe...
Allow to set a default workspace on which Analytics loads. Avoids loading a workspace with lots of data, during which it's not possible to switch to desired workspace.
When sharing a draft or adding participants to an email, it would be great to have a Suggestions list that can be edited. Ideally individuals or contact groups could be added.
Ability to verify chat visitor identity using fields besides email
Currently the Chat SDK allows you to verify chat visitor identity using email only. This would allow you to verify chat visitor identity using other fields like phone number or user ID.