Only notify me when a new chat conversation begins, not for each message
Currently I am notified every time a chat message comes in, which means I get a ton of notifications all the time. I'd prefer to only be notified when a new chat conversation comes in (once I know there's a new chat conversation, I tend to stay on...
Limit who can add, edit and delete contacts and accounts. This could also include limitations on freely browsing through contact data in the contact manager, although, we cannot restrict the ability to view contact data entirely.
In the list of shared templates, expose the date that each template was last edited. This is useful for finding out-of-date templates that have not been updated recently.
When moving a message to a new conversation, there is no base rule trigger to automate actions on the new conversation. This idea suggests adding a new item to rule triggers for when a conversation is created from a split.
Knowledge base: put title of article in url (instead of article id number)
For SEO and UX purposes put the title of article in the URL. For instance: instead of