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Show a more comprehensive list of activity history in private inboxes Upon testing, it looks like we will only show info for snoozes in the activity history for conversations in a private inbox. FR to have the option of showing all activity history (the...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / P3 display 1 Backlog

[Import] Adding as a supported knowledge base for Importing Articles

We're migrating from and I love the migration and import features but since is not supported it's going to make it a much more manual process.
11 months ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Reply as a new conversation

Similar to forward as a new conversation, but with the same recipients.
almost 2 years ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 3 Backlog

Snooze or pause an inbox so emails come through in batches

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Snooze 2 Backlog

More detailed sending information about previous emails in email quote like Outlook

the email trail/ trace when sending from a Front connected outlook acct (image with red box) appears most compatible for Gmail users. it also doesn't contain enough information for customers who would be receiving emails such as the subject, cc, e...
over 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Restrict access to Contact Manager

Limit who can add, edit and delete contacts and accounts. This could also include limitations on freely browsing through contact data in the contact manager, although, we cannot restrict the ability to view contact data entirely.
almost 4 years ago in Permissions 0 Backlog

Trigger rules when a conversation is split

When moving a message to a new conversation, there is no base rule trigger to automate actions on the new conversation. This idea suggests adding a new item to rule triggers for when a conversation is created from a split.
over 3 years ago in Rule trigger 1 Backlog

Dynamic Front Chat welcome messages

Ability to configure different Welcome Messages for Front Chat across your website depending on URL
almost 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Download Sequence info as csv

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Outbound/Sequences 1 Backlog

Search in everywhere (spam, trash, inboxes)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Search location 0 Backlog