As a manager, I want to be able to filter the Live Dashboard by Teammate to see how many conversations are Open and Waiting. Right now, I can only see #Open in the Assigned teammates table, but I'm unable to determine whether or not that includes ...
[KB insights] Front Analytics Reporting for Knowledge Bases
Right now we have up to 10 different authors creating content. We would love the ability to report on details like number of articles created by author, status, creator/author and last updated across the KB. It's possible to view some of this info...
The ability to tag drafts would be useful so that the user is allowed to "sit" on an email for a while, and not forget to tag it after sending. Currently, the only way to apply a tag to a draft is to schedule it for sending later, and then cancel ...
Currently, Microsoft 365 group calendars (i.e. those connected to Teams), don't show up in Front. I'd like to be able to see these calendars in Front, otherwise our users have to go back to Outlook to view those calendars.
Users are only able to drag one attachment at a time to a different email, looking for the ability to drag multiple attachments and mirror more so the functionality in Outlook
Instead of "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri", be able to say "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri, except on Dec 25, Jan 1, etc". This allows to take plan for holidays, teammate PTOs, company events, etc.