Today you can "update conversation subject" in Front. It's great for internal visibility, but does not change the message subject.By being able to change the message subject you use when replying to a message you could for instance if the inbound ...
Don't count throttled API calls against API rate limit
It seems to me like counting throttled API calls against our API call limit is punitive and the root cause for these snowballing outages. This is compounded by the fact that we are relying on Zapier for these api calls and can't finely control the...
We’re trying to create Dynamic Objects in Front using information from Okta and to use their API, the HTTP Authorization header needs a custom prefix (SSWS) Can we please ge...
Notify admin members when a channel is disconnected
When a user's channel is disconnected, only the user itself gets a notification. When that user is on leave, the only way to realize this is to manually check all inboxes. Notifying the admin members of this issue will help to ensure continuity.
[core] AI tagging to support a default "other" tag
"Other" tag: It would be nice that if the AI tagging couldn't find a matching tag, that it would automatically apply an "Other" category tag. That allows up to review and account for new categories or potentially a need to re-train the AI tags. Po...
Requests: I want to test how suggested replies would answer specific inquiries. I would like to access my KB content Today: I can't do that except if I send myself a fake email or if I create a testing inbox.