As a user with lots of views, I would like to be able to nest/group views together and collapse groupings, so that my views are more manageable and easier to navigate.
My company uses SMS for ~90% of our customer conversations. Today, the only way to utilize Front with a single phone number that customers can both call and text is through Dialpad (maybe Aircall as well, not sure). It turns out conversation split...
This is an entire family of workflows around "I want to prevent something in special circumstances" Identified use cases: - Select a default channel in certain cases (i.e. "you have to use the risk@ channel by default when in the risk inbox") - Bl...
The size of the Front Chat JS bundle triggers some "Reduce unused JavaScript" warnings when running a Lighthouse page speed test. Is it possible to find any ways to optimize the bundle size of the chat widget, such as only requesting modules I nee...
This idea is related to from a technical perspective, but would solve a different 'problem'. I don't use Front's calendar. We have the - very cool - Notifications section in our profile to control the no...