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Allow admins to bulk-set preferences

Allow admins to bulk-set preferences across a company. CSV template upload would probably work best and would not require a complex UI.
12 days ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Specify fields to receive in Application Webhook events

My team uses Application Webhooks to ingest data from Front. We generally only need to access certain fields in an event payload, with most of the data in the payload being discarded. To help save on our ingress bandwidth costs (and Front's egress...
23 days ago in Developer Platform 0

Delete/trash conversation keyboard shortcut

Allow the keyboard shortcut for deleting or trashing a conversation to be customized, instead of just the "Delete" key on the full keyboard.
about 1 month ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Live Dashboard - Teammate Filter

As a manager, I want to be able to filter the Live Dashboard by Teammate to see how many conversations are Open and Waiting. Right now, I can only see #Open in the Assigned teammates table, but I'm unable to determine whether or not that includes ...
3 months ago in Live dashboard 0 Backlog

[context] AI features to leverage Front Conversation History

Leverage past email history for AI Answers/AI Suggested Replies. Past email conversations are a good source of knowledge to reduce product / general inquiries because: Doesn't required to be structured in a specific format Compared to a knowledge ...
11 months ago in AI / AI answer for chat / AI knowledge / AI suggested replies (auto draft) / Chatbots 1 Backlog

Include tags in message templates

I'd like to be able to add related tags to the message template as well, so that when I use it within an email reply, the tags are automatically added to the reply (based on the template) and I don't have to spend time doing that separately.
over 2 years ago in Message templates 2 Backlog

Ability to hide the left sidebar

Ability to hide left sidebar to focus just on the conversations list and reading pane
about 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 4 Backlog

Configure the sidebar to show teammates who are "available"

Would help large teams be able to see exactly who is online, especially when the teams all have different starting times and work across the globe.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 4 Backlog

Time Off Calendar

I'd like Team member Time Off to populate on the calendar. That way, when looking at the week and scheduling meetings/assigning projects, we can see whom will not be in office
about 1 year ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

[context] Connect an External Knowledge Source to Front to suggest replies by email

Use suggested replies from a third-party KB or knowledge source to auto-draft emails. Same idea as this article, but with third-party KB:
7 months ago in AI / AI suggested replies (auto draft) 0 Backlog