Linnworks - E-Commerce company who need integrations with E-commerce softwares (Amazon + Ebay + Others). Operate these integrations through Linnworks.
Remove Inbox limit for personal/shared Views (50 inboxes)
We connect Front to a bunch of Slack channels, an individual channel for every big client. There is a separate inbox for each channel, so far so good. Now, we use "Unassigned" view to see tickets that have "Unassigned" tag, as well as other view t...
[measure] Track conversation tagged by AI in export
Situation: As an admin, I want to be able to check / track conversations that have been tagged by AI so that I can audit them. Today, it is only possible to see them as part of the search when clicking on "View" inside the rule selected tags tab. ...
Some businesses are using Outlook delivery receipts emails as a formal legal guarantee that information has been shared and Front doesn't provide that today
Visualize data in more ways than what we present in analytics today, E.g., be able to look at the same data set, but presented in a pie chart, bar graph, etc...
Sync the Drafts folder from Exchange Online into Front, into Drafts
Please sync the Drafts folder from Exchange Online into Front, into Drafts. (Same as you do for other folders in an Exchange Online mailbox). For context: Sage 200 accounting software generates emails into Drafts of a user's mailbox. User then has...