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Multi select Knowledge Base articles

there’s no multi-select or select-all for moving content around - has to be done 1 by 1, which is inefficient
10 months ago in Knowledge Base 1 Backlog

Clarify inbound messages, outbound messages and comments in Chat conversations

The new design of a Chat conversation means that Inbound messages, Outbound messages and internal notes/comments can be difficult to distinguish due to the shades of blue and grey used. The compose box also now has a "Shared Draft" bar at all time...
almost 2 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

Highway Custom Plug In

Clients want to flag certain emails in Highway through a plug-in in Front. This is a similar feature in outlook. This is typically a security risk/requirement that logistics customers may have.
about 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Bring my own AI systems to Front

Want to connect my own AI directly inside Front. Things like AI assistant/co-pilot that works within Front . listen and build a context about the conversation assist: suggest best resources keep conversation on track by nudging agent to detect ext...
7 months ago in AI / AI extensibility 1 Backlog

Set up views to filter by two tags using AND condition instead of OR/ANY

Right now, when setting up a view, you can only choose to filter by ANY tag which means that if I select more than one, I am getting all emails with any of those tags (OR logic). However, I would love to be able to select more than one tag and onl...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

[activation] Convert existing tagging rule to an AI tagging rule

This would be a helpful feature that would prevent the need to create new rules.
7 months ago in AI / AI tagging 0 Backlog

Tasks in calendar

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Other (CPX) 0 Backlog

Create linked conversations to an existing conversation using the public API

The ability to create a linked conversation via the API and attach it to an existing conversation
about 1 year ago in  0 Backlog

Team Chat Box

A team chat box similar to Microsoft teams that would enable team members or groups to chat with each other instead of having to start a discussion. Discussions are too formal and have to be continually archived to be removed from the inbox. They ...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Chat Visitors can view their chat history / prior tickets when accessing chat widget

Chat visitors can view their chat conversation history. This is important if the chat widget lives in a portal for current customers and they can view their prior chat history
about 1 year ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog