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View incomplete chatbot conversations

Currently a conversation is not created within Front unless a chat visitor has completed the chatbot flow. It would be helpful to have a separate inbox that stores partially completed chatbot conversations - this way the team could still jump in t...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Planned

Ability to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow

It would be helpful to be able to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow messages like "Hi {visitor.first_name}" in order to personalize the chatbot flow more for chat visitors.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 2 Planned

Share a signature with a teammate Group

Today, an admin can create a signature and make it available on all individual channels. Could we allow admins to share a signature with a teammate Group? This would make it easier to tailor the signature content to attributes of the teammate, suc...
over 1 year ago in Signature management / Teammate Groups 0 Backlog

Update the content of message when forwarding, replying or sending to slack with rules

Would be useful to have just the important info that the next team needs based on the information the previous team has compiled.
about 1 year ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Allow views to be created from Personal Inbox, not just Shared Inbox

Right now you can create a View (basically a saved filter view) but then only select from Shared Inboxes. You should be able to create a filter view and save that view where you can select your Personal Inbox. This is more flexible than Tags, whic...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Assign uploaded "emoji" icon to a tag in the inbox

When a user assigns an icon to a tag in the inbox, it pulls from the "emoji" gallery. Front currently allows a user to upload custom "emojis," but apparently does not have capability for those uploaded images (emojis) to be assigned to a tag even ...
about 2 years ago in Tags 2 Backlog

Ability to Hide Team Members from Other Teams

Our Company run's multiple business out of Front. We need the option to either separate or hide the team mates who are not part of the other groups. Where Only the users who have access to the Shared workspaces, are able to see other members of th...
over 1 year ago in Workspaces 0 Backlog

A centralized team calendar for a shared inbox

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Cal Collaboration 0 Backlog

Sequence updates

Update sequence functionality to provide additional information around open rate, bounce rate, etc.
about 1 year ago in Outbound/Sequences 0 Backlog

Ability to expand and collapse the all-day events section on the calendar to view more than 3 all-day events at once

Today you can only see 3 all-day events at a glance per day. It is not obvious that users need to scroll to see the rest of the all-day events on that day. Suggestion to expand and collapse the top section.
over 2 years ago in Calendar View 1 Backlog