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Em dash shortcut (—)

Why it's useful: Quicker shortcut than typing Alt + 0151 (fingers don't have to migrate over to numbers pad)Who would benefit: All grammatically savvy and efficient Front users!How would it work: It could operate exactly how it does in Outlook or ...
6 months ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Alias teammate email addresses in rule-set CSV file upload to Teammates in Front When you so a CSV file up-load into a rule-set table, email addresses don't link to Teammates in Front like they do when you do a CSV file upload for Accounts/Contacts. If...
6 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Monday Integration - Assign Person and Add Date from w/in Front

Current Scenario: integration within Front currently only allows you to: select a Workspace a specific Board Group of items to create a new task into from the emails. Feature to add: It would be super useful to add two more options: 1. ...
6 months ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Option to turn off profile photos

Give the option to not have to see the profile photos of people who send us emails
6 months ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

Pass custom conversation fields through Front Chat SDK

I'd like to be able to pass custom conversation fields through the Front Chat SDK. Currently it only allows me to pass custom contact fields through. This is problematic because sometimes the fields will be specific to that conversation, and I don...
6 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Calendars shared with google account

Generally it's great. A major drawback is the inability view google calendars shared with my google account. Inability to compress forwarded images is also an issue for me.
6 months ago in Schedule - manage your calendar 0 Backlog

Sync contacts back to Salesforce or Hubspot

To make sure all contacts get created in the synced CRM automatically rather than having to remember to do it manually. One way to do this would be through some sort of rule action
6 months ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Making the teammates visible in the view' settings

When you create a view, you can add it to teammates' sidebars right away. But once you add people from the view settings and then save, when you come back to the view, you don't see which teammate was added so you don't know who has access and who...
6 months ago in Views 0 Backlog

Print Conversation function prints/coverts to PDF in full resolution as opposed to a "preview" of included attachments.

Currently only when using the Print Conversation feature (Conversation 3 dot menu > Print) , it also includes the attachments inside the print/convert to PDF. Unfortunately, depending on the document, these "previews" of the attachment are down...
6 months ago in Attachments / Printing 0 Backlog

Remove fields from existing Salesforce / Hubspot contact once the field is removed from sync settings

When a contact field is removed in the Salesforce / Hubspot sync settings, this field should be removed for all existing contacts. As of today, if a field is removed from the sync settings, the field is not removed from existing contacts. Only new...
6 months ago in Contacts / Existing integrations 0 Backlog