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Ability to use chatbots across multiple live chat channels (e.g., SMS & WhatsApp)

Currently chatbots are only available for Front Chat. We would like to use chatbots across other channels like SMS and WhatsApp as well.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 1 Backlog

Knowledge Base usability & formatting improvements

When voting, please specify which one(s) of the below is the most important for you. Thanks Drag & drop article reordering Ability to add more than one image per line in knowledge base for better readability When editing the table, you always ...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 2 Backlog

Ability to add an assignee/owner for knowledge base articles

Have articles assigned to a teammate or teammate group so that the responsibility of keeping the article up to date is clear (like assigning, but for articles)
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Ability to hide fields when creating or updating a module in Zoho

In the Zoho plugin, you can edit what fields are visible when viewing modules like a contact or lead. However, there is no way to hide certain fields from appearing the create or edit UIs. This would be useful since many of those fields are option...

Integrate with twilio conversations api to enable group texting

In some cases we may need to do a group text similar to having 2 or more customers on the same email. Twilio supports this with their conversations api and it would be great to be able to connect to that from front.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

WhatsApp Group Chat

Support WhatsApp group chat. Note: This is not currently supported natively in the WhatsApp API.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

Tag-triggered transitions for conversation stages

No description provided
9 months ago in Conversation Stages 1 Will not do

Ability to configure location of the reading pane (main conversation view) to the bottom

Ability to reconfigure location of reading pane from the right to the bottom (similar to options in Outlook)
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Multiple CSAT surveys per workspace

No description provided
9 months ago in CSAT 0 Backlog

Ability to merge & reuse chatbot paths within a chatbot flow

Currently there's no way to merge different paths within a chatbot flow, or to reuse content a chatbot path in multiple places within a chatbot flow. This results in chatbot flows that have multiple identical paths, which makes it difficult to mak...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog