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Log timeline activity on conversation subject being manually changed

My team spotted a couple of cases where the subject of a message did not align with the conversation subject; it turns out someone on the team manually edited the conversation subject. To make cases like this clearer, it would be useful to have a ...
6 months ago in P3 display 2 Backlog

Manually triggered auto replies should be accounted for in metrics

As a support manager, I want that manually triggered automated messages are taken into account in analytics, so that my teammates' work is represented accurately
5 months ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Restricting Context Links by Workspace

Context links today apply across every workspace/ department. Other depts e-mails are sorted differently and read in a different way and the link being applied universally is not ideal. Would like the ability to modify context links to have a more...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Links 0 Backlog

More granular API / OAuth token scopes

At present, Front API/OAuth tokens have very wide permissions, such as the "Shared Resources" token scope allowing read+write access to all shared resources. To help improve security, it would be great to support more granular scopes such as read/...
6 months ago in Core API / Partner Integrations 0 Backlog

Custom Javascript / CSS Styling for knowledge base

Ability to customize the look and feel of their Front KB further, and also enhance search experience using custom javascript.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

For scheduling links, the option to use Recurring as the option for availability but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the future

It would be great to have an option to use Recurring as the option for availability on a scheduling link but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the fut...
almost 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

Sent items in shared inboxes

Ability to see Sent items from Shared inboxes
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

End shifts in the busy status

Set up shifts so that teammates are set as "Busy" X min before the end of their shifts, in order to allow for a smoother end of work transition. This way, teammates can finish their work without getting assigned brand new conversations that will r...
7 months ago in Admin Experience / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Ability to collaborate on and review Knowledge base articles with teammates

Leverage comments and tag teammates to be able to collaborate on knowledge base drafts
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Remain on the last selected email when going back to the inbox

If I click on the Send folder then go back to the Inbox, the inbox should not automatically select the newest email, it should remain on the last email that was selected in the Inbox
about 1 year ago in P2 display - conversation list 1 Backlog