Prevent users from sending messages with shared channels
Admins may want teammates using an inbox to only send messages with their own individual channel. This could be because they want a consistent customer experience or in some cases to avoid sending an email to customer A from the customer_b@mycompa...
As a support manager, I need a way to be notified in real time when I receive a CSAT with certain characteristics (score, account...) so that I can react immediately
Give customer the choice between multiple 3rd party spell checkers
Currently Front supports spell checking using Grammarly. However, some customers would prefer to have the choice the use other spell checkers, like Microsoft spell checker, as there are cases where they can provide better suggestions.
Currently, it's impossible to drag&drop attachments from Front to external applications (such as Google Chrome, Drive etc.) on Mac. It is possible on PC but not on Mac. This is a huge productivity killer and therefore will make a very big impa...
Allow Workspace admins to create and manage teammate Groups
Allow users other than company admins to create, edit and delete teammate Groups, including the ability to add teammates to Groups. This could be a permission granted to users, or a company-wide setting that allows Workspace to manage teammate Gro...
Adding the ability to apply rules to Discussions in the same way rules can be applied to messages in inboxes. A new trigger for "discussion is added" or something along those lines so we can auto-tag/assign/archive discussions following the same w...
[core] AI tagging rule to support more triggers (e.g move, new inbound conversations)
Ideally, we'd want every conversation in our shared inboxes to get tagged so they can be triaged to the appropriate inbox. The AI tagging rule doesn't support moves Trigger on New Inbound Conversations Only: The AI tagging rule doesn't seem to sup...
For many third-party channels, messages and call logs tied to one contact thread in one long conversation, which can be messy for users. The ability to split these messages into new conversations will help to organize their communications better i...