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API support to maintain rule data sets

Rule data sets are currently manually maintained or limited to 500 rows for a CSV import. API access to manage this would give an avenue to maintain this in a non manual way and reduces chances of errors occurring
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Tag individual messages within an SMS thread

Add a tag to an individual message within an SMS thread
12 months ago in SMS 0 Backlog calendar integration

Integrating calendar with one time suite
12 months ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Add contact notes to dynamic variables in rules

When a request comes in from a known content it would be nice to extract the notes from a contact and paste them into the conversation as a comment so all context stored in a Contact is immediately viewable by the agent. It would save time clickin...
almost 2 years ago in Smart rules 0 Backlog

Suggest "@" value based on the users' workspace

We have been running into assignation problems recently, since we have homonyms between our usernames. People are used to "@" quickly in order to be efficient, however they sometimes do not look closely enough, and click "Enter" on the first sugge...
12 months ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Ability to resize left nav bar in Admin Settings

From Admin Settings, I cannot view the full workspace name. I'd like the ability to either re-size p1 in Admin Settings or be able to view the full workspace name.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Settings 0 Backlog

Allow a {{dynamic variable}} to display multiple items, 1 per recipient

For example, if I send an email to 10 people with {{first_name}}, the variable will fill out the first name for each contact in the recipient list.
almost 2 years ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Click to call numbers on mobile

The ability to click a phone number in the mobile app, Android or IOS, that opens the phone app to dial the number.
almost 4 years ago in Mobile 0 Backlog

Ability to lock/unlock a discussion

Sometimes discussions need to be closed or locked from further additions. Sometimes coworkers add a question to a discussion that is untouched and unrelated, making a mess of record keeping. The ability to turn a discussion off (and back on) would...
12 months ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Enable templates for discussions

It would be extremely helpful if we had the option to create discussion templates similar to the available email template function. Our team uses discussions to log various project statuses across multiple aspects of our business as shown in the i...
12 months ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog