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Private comments / notes to self on conversations

Also: notes without a conversation
almost 2 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 1 Backlog

Application Webhook: Send notification on Webhook Invalidated

In a case where my Application Webhook fails to respond successfully, it will be disabled automatically (see ) It would be beneficial for me as a developer to receive a notification when t...
about 1 month ago in Partner Integrations 0 Backlog

Application Webhook: Monitor request logs

As a developer building a private Application Webhook for my team, it would be helpful to see a log of payloads Front sent to my webhook via a Front dashboard, and the responses returned by my app. Even just exposing these for the past hour or so ...
about 1 month ago in Links 0 Backlog

[core] AI tagging suggestion mode

No auto-tag, but being able to see the suggestions so the team can validate before tagging
4 months ago in AI / AI tagging 0 Backlog

Customer portal for ticketing system

We are aware that we have conversation codes. But it would be nice and organized to have an internal ticketing system that queues the incoming emails and provides a ticket number to the customers and a portal our customers could access to track pr...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Planned

"Private public" tags as a feature

Currently, the only tag types are Private tags (that only the individual can see) or Public tags (that everyone with access to the conversation can see). It would be a cool feature to have "Private public tags," which would be public tags that onl...
11 months ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Integration with 3CX - telephony system

3CX is a popular telephony solution, particularly in EMEA
11 months ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Sort conversations list by sender

Ability to sort the conversations list by sender or "from" address. This is something that is able to be done today in Outlook, and can be key to certain users' workflows.
almost 2 years ago in P2 display - conversation list 2 Backlog

Knowledge base article export

Ability to export knowledge base articles
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 2 Already available

Add Snooze Count

It would be helpful to have Snoozed count showing on status bar. Currently the only items showing are counts for Open emails. I have a tag for Snooze and in the status bar it would be great to see the count for what is snoozed. Yes you can hit the...
about 2 months ago in Counters 0 Backlog