When making custom contact fields as a dropdown list, I've found these two functionalities would be super helpful for more customization: It would be great to be able to have a dropdown of pre-selected options as well as a free-text response box i...
Application Webhooks: Configure which inboxes to receive notifications from
As a developer, when I create an Application Webhook I will receive notifications for all events of the type(s) I subscribed to, across all shared inboxes. My app users may only want to monitor a subset of their inboxes with my app, so I receive a...
Description: Not able to search for `$300.00` because we consider `$300.00` as `300.00` it's a single term. Searching for `300.00` works. Request: support monetary symbol and number format for currency We are trying to search with 1,282.15Proper f...
Improved API support for bulk or batch imports/updates of resources
As an API user, the ability to create batches of resources, specifically Tags and Contacts, would be very helpful. I regularly hit my API rate limit when trying to migrate large groups of Contacts into Front