[context] AI features to leverage Front Conversation History
Leverage past email history for AI Answers/AI Suggested Replies. Past email conversations are a good source of knowledge to reduce product / general inquiries because: Doesn't required to be structured in a specific format Compared to a knowledge ...
Soon, chatbot admins will be able to insert embedded hyperlinks to text so messages look more professional and chatbot admins can more easily share content from other webpages in the chatbot flow. Currently it's not possible to include an embedded...
Front Chat localization to support different languages
Localization in the chat widget to support different languages. Includes text & buttons in the collect customer details step in the chatbot flow, the "Start new conversation" button after the chatbot auto-archives the flow, and more.
Ability to duplicate entire chatbots for other Front Chat channels
The ability to duplicate chatbots would be much appreciated. We work with several chat channels which have the same workflows, so it would be much faster to set up a new bot for another chat channel by duplicating the existing one.
Suggest knowledge base links in chat based on key words
When using the website chatbot, it would be awesome when a "key word" from a knowledge base article is used in the question to populate with "does this answer your question" and the article link. Then if it doesn't they can keep typing in the chat...
Customize timeframe of automatic chat widget refresh
Currently there is a hardcoded 6-hour refresh window for the chat widget (as long as 30-min have elapsed since a message has been received from the chart visitor). However we have chat visitors who return more frequently than 6 hours so we'd like ...
As a developer, I recently ran into some issues implementing Front Chat with verified identity on my site. It would be super helpful to have a Front Chat NPM package with TypeScript definitions; this may help prevent other developers from trying t...