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Ability to hide fields when creating or updating a module in Zoho

In the Zoho plugin, you can edit what fields are visible when viewing modules like a contact or lead. However, there is no way to hide certain fields from appearing the create or edit UIs. This would be useful since many of those fields are option...

Support OAuth2 Client Credentials grant type for App Connectors

Right now when configuring a Server as part of building an App Connector, only the Authorization Code OAuth2 grant type is supported. It would be helpful to introduce support for the Client Credentials grant type (

Support custom fields for Zoho

Custom fields that are created for some module (e.g. contacts, leads) are not visible in Front either for edit or update. It would be great to be able to show these fields based on the plugin settings in Front.

Macros to provide a search function in a 3rd party system to select input

When choosing a macro to perform an application request, we want the ability to search for an object in a 3rd party system to maintain inputs against, or log inputs against. Example: a prospect, Shippeo, currently have a Gmail extension that allow...
18 days ago in Macros 0

React instantly to CSAT ratings

As a support manager, I need a way to be notified in real time when I receive a CSAT with certain characteristics (score, account...) so that I can react immediately
18 days ago in CSAT 1 Backlog

Satisfaction metric: bad to good ratings

As a support leader, I want to flag when my team was able to improve the relationship
18 days ago in CSAT metrics and reporting 0 Backlog

Open all conversations of metrics details with a P2+P3 UI

I want to be able to access a list of conversions directly in the inbox, so that I can navigate faster between them and take action on them
18 days ago in Analytics - Widgets - timeline 0 Backlog

Workload report: add 'New workload' and 'Closed workload' metrics

No description provided
18 days ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Manually triggered auto replies should be accounted for in metrics

As a support manager, I want that manually triggered automated messages are taken into account in analytics, so that my teammates' work is represented accurately
18 days ago in Metrics 0 Backlog

Display exact age of metrics

As a support agent or a support manager, I need to know how fresh is the data I'm looking at, so that I can trust its value.
18 days ago in Insights - Systems 0 Backlog