Enable tag properties to be bulk updated, such as: Which inboxes the tag is restricted to "Display in conversation lists" setting Please leave a comment with the tag properties you would like to update in bulk.
The Ability To Add Document Attachments To Contact Details within Front
This would help our customer support team have any customer agreements, signed forms, and etcetera easily available within Front. By simply going into the contact details and clicking +add under the attachments section. : )
Variable/tag for displaying assigned teammate's name within a message
Many times we answer messages on behalf of our colleagues. In these cases, we manually change the name within the signature into the name of the assigned colleague for who we are answering the e-mail. Front has the option to make signature templat...
Add mailbox setting option to order the conversations/emails above the thread w/preview pane below
This is request is to be able to customize mailbox layout similar to GMail, MS Outlook, YahooMail, or other email clients to have message preview reading pane on the bottom rather than to the right of message list.
AI Reporting Insights: Copilot for Front Conversations
Front could build a copilot or in-app reporting powered by AI that ingests and analyzes Front conversations/Support tickets/sales transcripts to produce useful and actionable Support/Product insights. The AI can report the most common feature requ...